5 year KB anniversary!
Today, is a big day for me. No it's not my birthday, wedding anniversary or anything like that. For me it is a day that is just as important, it is my 5 year kettlebell anniversary. 5 years ago today, I became the staff employee at the Mansfield YMCA in Ohio. It was the day I dedicated myself to the hard training of kettlebell practicing. I have never looked back or regretted any of it! As a matter of fact, I have never "put a kettlebell down" I continue to train with them, practicing all my lifts once or twice a week. My motto is "If Pavel called me and wanted me to test my level I and level II skills, I am ready!"
The kettlebell is an amazing strength tool that started this journey to strength, mobility, flexibility and happiness that will always be a part of my life. It has made me humble, strong, showed me weaknesses, short comings and put me in my place. It has made me see good and poor movement in myself and in others. It has make me want to help people who haven't found in lift quite what they want when it comes to training aka exercise.
The kettlebell has brought out the inner competitive person that is intrinsically motivated to be able to preform a difficult lift that I see someone do and practice it or sometimes just do the lift.
The kettlebell is part of me and I can't wait to see where it will take me over the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years.